Event Management
Host a variety of events with flexible event management including variable price sets
Greenleaf ONE’s powerful event registration engine gives any organization the tools to easily and efficiently handle just about any type of event registration. Constituents can process registrations in real time on the front end, or staff can process them in real time in the administrative interface.
- Pricing options: create incredibly flexible pricing options for every event, or keep it simple – it’s your choice!
- Pay Later option: allow people to register and then pay at the door
- Registrant information: you decide what to collect for each event, such as name, address, email, phone, menu choice, dietary restrictions, etc.
- Discounts: registrants can receive discounts several different ways: via codes that you create and distribute, or automatically based on criteria you define (for example member discounts). You can even create hidden discounts that can only be applied by staff on the back end.
- Templates: Event templates customized to your organization accelerate your event setup and creation time
- Calendar integration: by default, once events are created and activated they automatically appear on the front-end website calendar
- Roles: attendees can be registered by role – attendee, sponsor, volunteer, speaker, etc.
- Participant listing: registrants can be set to be automatically listed publicly / semi-publicly
- Event map: automatically display a map of your event location
- iCal integration: download a calendar file for the event on the registration page, the confirmation page, or in the confirmation email
- Register multiple people: up to 9 others
- Scheduled reminders: send automatically in advance of an event to stoke enthusiasm, or afterward to thank or survey participants
- Tell A Friend and Peer to Peer: allow registrants to help publicize your event
- Repeating Events: standard and custom schedules
- Registrant maximums: set maximum registrants for the entire event or for different event options (for example, perhaps there are 20 tables of eight people each available, and another 200 tickets overall).
- Wait list: set an automatic wait list for the event based on maximum registrants
Also, with Greenleaf ONE’s integrated bulk emailer, you can email constituents about an upcoming event with a system-generated token that creates a custom URL for that user, which when clicked presents them with their own custom event registration page. This page is then prefilled with their user data, making it easier for them to complete and reducing duplicate contact creation for you.