Peer to Peer
Greenleaf ONE has several tools to help you harness your most passionate supporters’ energy by giving them the opportunity to raise funds on your behalf, while at the same time maintaining control over your brand and messaging.
When activated on a contribution, event, or membership page, Greenleaf ONE’s “Tell a Friend” functionality gives any of your constituents who complete a transaction the opportunity to provide names and emails of friends who they think might also support your cause. They can personalize their message, press a button, and Greenleaf One sends a message to their friends from your website.
Taking it to the next level, “Personal Campaign Pages” allow motivated donors to create their own contribution, event registration, or membership sign up pages for your organization on your website and then promote them to their friends. Once completing a transaction on a standard page, constituents (if the feature is activated by you for that page) can then modify a support message and create their own page for that initiative, where they can help raise funds on behalf of your organization. This is particularly useful for situations where you might be running a friendly competition to see who can raise more funds, such as competing grades at a school in support of a library fundraiser, or teams in a road race or “tough mudder” type event.